Links to interesting sites:
- Serbian embassy in the Hague (SRB-EN-NL)
- Page from the Serbian embassy in the Hague about Garderen
- Serbian Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy (SRB-EN)
- Stichting 100 jaar Nederland en de Eerste Wereldoorlog (NL)
- Stichting Studiecentrum Eerste Wereldoorlog (SSEW) (NL)
- Traces of WWI
- Archive Belgrade (SRB-EN)
- Gemeentearchief Barneveld (NL)
Friends’ site’s:
- Serbian church Nijmegen (NL) | Српска црква Нијмеген (НЛ) | Servische kerk Nijmegen: Parohija Sveti Sava Nijmegen (NL)
- Serbian church Rotterdam (NL) | Српска црква Ротердам (НЛ) | Servische kerk Rotterdam: Parohija Svetе Trojicе-Roterdam
- Russisch Ereveld (NL-EN-RU)
- Prvi Svetski Rat (SRB)