Personal data
Name: Mihajlo Avramović
Age: 39
Date of birth: 10.04.1879
Place of birth: Carevac
District (current): Braničevo
Date and place of death: 20-01-1919, Usselo
Name on Monument in Garderen: Abranosic Mihailo
Military unit
Rank: Soldier
Military unit: 4. company, II battalion, 9. regiment infantry
Official Dutch death certificate
Dutch certificate number: Lonneker 1919 No. 25
Name: Michaila Abramowits
Age: 39
Town: Zarewatz (Poserewatzki)
Death: 20.01.1919
Place of death: Usselo
Family information: Spouse: Lubitza Reiz => Lubica Reić
Serbian Exhumation report
Name: Avramović Mihajlo
Date of birth: 10.IV 1879
Place of birth: Carevac
Death: 20.I 1919.
Place of initial burial: Enšede, Holandija
Date of exhumation: 14.V 1938.
Remains placed in lead box number: No. 24
Placed in a mausoleum in: Czechoslovakia (Jindřichovice)
The full story of Mihajlo can be read here (link).