Personal data

Name: Milomir Matijević
Age: –
Date of birth: –
Place of birth: Gornja Dobrinja
District (current): Zlatibor
Date and place of death: 22-01-1919, Apeldoorn
Name on Monument in Garderen: M Matiyevitch

Military unit

Rank: –
Military unit: 3. company, I battalion, 4. regiment infantry

Official Dutch death certificate

Dutch certificate number: Apeldoorn 1919 No. 77
Name: Marnil Matijowitsj
Age: –
Town: –
Death: 22.01.1919
Place of death: Apeldoorn
Family information: –

Serbian Exhumation report

Name: Matijević Milomir
Date of birth: –
Place of birth: Gornja Dobrinja
Death: u Miligenu 23.I 1919.
Place of initial burial: Garderen, Holandija
Date of exhumation: (13.V 1938)
Remains placed in lead box number: one of the lead boxes numbered 45, 61-65, or 67-89
Placed in a mausoleum in: Czechoslovakia (Jindřichovice)

A monument was found in Gornja Dobrinja with Milomir’s name.

Our friend Bojan Radojičić from did local research, but did not find any family.