Personal data
Name: Milovan Milojević
Age: –
Date of birth: –
Place of birth: Azanja
District (current): Podunavlje
Date and place of death: 21-01-1919, Apeldoorn
Name on Monument in Garderen: M Miloyevitch
Military unit
Rank: –
Military unit: 4. company, I battalion, 8 regiment infantery
Official Dutch death certificate
Dutch certificate number: Apeldoorn 1919 No. 71
Name: Milowan Milowitsj
Age: –
Town: –
Death: 21.01.1919
Place of death: Apeldoorn
Family information: –
Serbian Exhumation report
Name: Milojević Milovan
Date of birth: –
Place of birth: Azanja
Death: u Miligenu, 21.I 1919
Place of initial burial: Garderen, Holandija
Date of exhumation: 13.V 1938
Remains placed in lead box number: one of the lead boxes numbered 45, 61-65, or 67-89
Placed in a mausoleum in: Czechoslovakia (Jindřichovice)
On the 19th March we visited Azanja, a village in the Podunavlje district approximately 80 kilometres South-East of Serbia’s capital Belgrade.
Milovan Milojević was born in 1889 in Azanja and died 21th January 1919 in Garderen, the Netherlands. Thanks to Žarko Talijan and Damir Živković and a family member of Milovan Milojević we can write that we traced another soldier back to his roots.
We are grateful to them for sharing their story and pictures. For the full story please visit the follow link: Milovan Milojević