Personal data
Name: Milan Đelekar
Age: 27
Date of birth: 8.7.1891
Place of birth: Bresno Polje
District (current): Rasina
Date and place of death: 17-11-1918, Nieuw-Buinen
Name on Monument in Garderen: –
Military unit
Rank: –
Military unit: –
Official Dutch death certificate
Dutch certificate number: Borger 1918 No.137
Name: Milan Djelekar
Age: 27
Town: Bresnapolje
Death: 17.11.1918
Place of death: Nieuw-Buinen
Family information: –
Serbian Exhumation report
Name: Đelekar Milan
Date of birth: 8.VII 1891
Place of birth: Bresno Polje
Death: 17.11.1918.
Place of initial burial: Niv-Bojnen, Borger, Drente, Holandija
Date of exhumation: 16.V 1938
Remains placed in lead box number: No. 44
Placed in a mausoleum in: Czechoslovakia (Jindřichovice)
In 2009 Miloš Stojić published a book on Bresno Polje, with a list of WWI victims from that village. On page 430 he mentions Đelekar R. Milan who was drafted in 1914 and “died in the Netherlands”. His brother Maksim was taken prisoner of war as well, and then also fled to the Netherlands.
Milan died at the home of Poppo Wouter Dirker, who probably lived Noorderdiep P 60 in Nieuw Buinen.
Family was found of Milan but not further details were found.