May 2018,  Udruženje potomaka ratnika 1912-1920 Požarevac, borchure (Serbian): “Srpski vojnici umrli u Holandiji 1917-1919”

In May 2018 the association of descendants of war veterans 1912-1920 from Požarevac poublished the Serbian version of our brochure which we published in 2016. For a free download, please click below:

Sprski vojnici umrli u Holandiji 1917-1919

December 2016, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Belgrade, brochure (English): “Serbian soldiers of World War I who died in the Netherlands”

In December 2016 we published a brochure, with the help of the Dutch embassy in Belgrade: if you wish to download this brochure for free, here is the download link: 


March 2016, Darpsproat uut Garder (Dutch): “Servische slachtoffers van de Spaanse griep in Garderen”

In March 2016 an article of us was published in the local newspaper of Garderen.
Link: article Darpsproat uut Garder (Google Drive).
February 2016, Wereld in Oorlog #47 (Dutch): “Servische slachtoffers van de Spaanse griep in Garderen”
In February 2016 an article of was published in the Dutch historical magazine “Wereld in Oorlog”.
Link: article Wereld in Oorlog (Google Drive).

Online publications

05/09/2017: Sprski Istorija (Serbian): “Истраживање судбине српских војника из Првог светског рата који су преминули у Холандији”
31/08/2017, (English): “Serbian WWI soldiers who died in the Netherlands”
Link: (www)
21/08/2017, Eerste (Dutch): “Daar ver weg”
Link: (www)
06/07/2017, Europeana (English&Serbian&Dutch):”Researching the fate of the Serbian WWI soldiers who died in the Netherlands”
Link: blog in English on (www).
Link: blog in Serbian on (www).
Link: blog in Dutch on (www).
28/06/2017, Historiek (Dutch):”De Spaanse griep (1919) – Servische slachtoffers op de Veluwe”
Link: (www).
04/01/2017: Eerste (Dutch):Gesneuveld in Nederland-Servische soldaten
Link: (www).
24/09/2016, Dodenakkers (Dutch): Een vergeten graf uit de Eerste Wereldoorlog 
Link: (www).
17/05/2016: Eerste (Dutch): Hoe Milovan, een Servische WOI krijgsgevangene in Nederland eindigde
Link: (www).
04/02/2014, If then is now (Dutch): Servisch Monument in Garderen
Link: (www).
01/02/2014, If then is now (Dutch): Kranten in 1919: Spaanse griep onder Servische krijgsgevangenen
Link: (www).