This website is dedicated to the Serbian World War I soldiers who died in the Netherlands. A monument in Garderen is dedicated to the memory of them. To read their story you can read the introduction. Below you can read the latest news items.
This website is in three languages: English, Serbian and Dutch so you can choose your preferred language in the menu at the top at the right side.
Srpski: Za posetioce na srpskom jeziku izaberite opciju za jezik u gornjem desnom uglu.
Nederlands: Voor onze Nederlands sprekende bezoekers: als u rechtsbovenaan “Nederlands” klikt dan heeft u de site in het Nederlands.
Book Serbian Soldiers who died in the Netherlands
In December 2019 the museum of Rudnik and Takovo Region in Gornji Milanovac (Serbia) published our book in Serbian and English language. It is now free to download (click on the image below):
Brochure Serbian soldiers of World War I who died in the Netherlands
In December 2016 the Dutch embassy in Belgrade (Serbia) published a brochure which the research team of this website wrote. The brochure can be downloaded here for free:
“Serbian Soldiers of WWI who died in the Netherlands”.
Brošura: Srpski vojnici umrli u Holandiji 1917-1919
Decembra meseca 2016, holandska ambasada u Beogradu je izdala brošuru o srpskim vojnicima koji su preminuli u Holandiji od posledica španskog gripa. Sada uz pomoć Udruženja potomaka ratnika 1912-1920 iz Požarevca ovo izdanje je prevedeno i na srpski. Brošuru možete preuzeti ovde: