Ova objava je samo dostupna na engleskom jeziku:

Here you will find pictures from the remembrance service which was held on the 11 the November 2014, Armistice Day, on the New Cemetery (Novo Groblje) in Belgrade, Serbia.

First there was a remembrance service for the soldiers from the Commonwealth, second for the Serbian Soldiers, then for the Russian soldiers and the last remembrance service was held for the fallen soldiers from France.

Numerous Serbian officials from the government, diplomats, military officers and service men from several countries (also from Austria, Hungary and Germany) attended the main service at the monument for the Serbian First World War victims.

Also the current Dutch ambassador in Serbia, Laurent Stokvis, lay a wreath in name of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to remember the fallen Serbian soldiers from the First World War and thus also remembering those Serbian WWI soldiers who died in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Below impressions from the ceremony.

Večna im slava! Eternal glory to them!

Categories: Novosti

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